
Round Desicccators

Round Desicccators

Brand : Medline

Durable Vacuum Desiccators (Transparent models)

  • Offer reliable vacuum condition: Desiccators holds -0.1 Mpa for 72 hours.
  • Fitted with an airtight silicon gasket to maintain a tight vacuum seal without the use of any grease.


Desiccators Constructional features

  • Fitted with an airtight silicon gasket to maintain a tight vacuum seal without the use of any grease.
  • Highly transparent PC (Polycarbonate) strong, great for clear viewing of samples, non-corrosive, easy to clean and maintain.
  • The basic component of the drying agent tray and desiccant allows the desiccators to be used in various experiments that involve desiccation.
  • Convenient 2-Way stopcock provides a cons-istent and uniformed release of vacuum during operation.
  • O-ring and additional exclusively developed “Locking Clip” provide an air tight seal at any vacuum or atmospheric conditions (only VDR Series)
  • Flange Lock holds the base and top together during non vacuum conditions. (only VDR Series)
  • Detachable analog vacuum gauge, fitted at the center of the lid. (optional only VDR Series)
  • The heavy-duty desiccators are durably con-structed. (only VDC Series)
  • Included are 4 ports for attachment of other vacuum gauges or stopcocks. (only VDC Series)
  • To maximize laboratory space the desiccators can be stacked 5 high (max stacking limit: 5 units - only VDC Series)



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