
Proline Prospenser Bottle-Top Dispenser

Proline Prospenser Bottle-Top Dispenser

Brand : Biohit

Proline Prospenser is an easy-to-use Bottle-Top Dispenser. It has been designed for trouble-free and reliable bottle-top dispensing of liquids, including concentrated acids, bases, saline solutions, as well as many organic solvents.


Proline Prospenser is an easy-to-use Bottle-Top Dispenser. It has been designed for trouble-free and reliable bottle-top dispensing of liquids, including concentrated acids, bases, saline solutions, as well as many organic solvents


  • Dispensing directly from the supply bottle
  •  Fully autoclavable at 121˚C , 2 bar, 20 minutes
  •  Accuracy of delivery within ±0.5% on maximum delivery
  •  Chemically resistant liquid pathway
  • Anti-drip closure cap included
  • Easy to use volume adjustment for reproducibl dispensings
  • Easy to dismantle for cleaning and maintenance
  • Wide range of adapters are included to fit the most common bottle sizes
  • Optional flexible dispense tube extention (max length 800 mm) with safety handle permits fast and precise dispensing even into narrow tubes
  • Each unit is supplied with performance certificate and tested according to ISO 8655


Item Volume Increment Test volume Inaccuracy Imprecision
Proline Prospenser Bottle-Top Dispenser 0.5–5 ml 0.1 ml
0.5 % 0.1 %
Proline Prospenser Bottle-Top Dispenser 1-10 ml 0.2 ml
0.5 % 0.1 %
Proline Prospenser Bottle-Top Dispenser 2.5-25 ml 0.5 ml
0.5 % 0.1 %
Proline Prospenser Bottle-Top Dispenser 5-50 ml 1.0 ml
0.5 % 0.1 %


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